Thursday, July 14, 2011

Trailer Talk Thursday: 11-11-11 and Jack and Jill

Hey everybody, Travis from The Movie Encyclopedia here with another edition of Trailer Talk Thursday where I bring you the latest trailers to hit the silver screen.

In today's T3 we are talking about two films with one thing in common: their date. 11-11-11 comes out on 11/11/11 (big shocker I know) and Jack and Jill, Adam Sandler's new movie is also released on 11/11/11. Actually when I think about it they both have another thing in common: by looking at the names attached to it, people are either excited or already groaning. Darren Lynn Bousman was responsible for Saw 2-4 and Repo the Genetic Opera and if you're like me, that's a pretty good resume so far. At the same time though, Repo and the Saw series can be very dividing films. I know just as many people who hate those films as I do people who love those films. Sandler is the same way. I know people who love everything he does and will see every film he makes but I also know people who think he should have retired after Happy Gilmore. 

But now the trailer for these two films is out and now it's up to all of you to decide whether or not you want to see  the films. Hopefully any personal bias you may or may not have towards Bousman/Sandler can be put aside for the sake of judging a film fairly.

First up is 11-11-11-
 At first glance this looks like nothing more than a Number 23 ripoff or another film that is focused around a certain number. But when you really look into the film, past the whole "This number is significant and evil" thing, there seems to be a really spooky supernatural thriller underneath it. Needless to say my interest is piqued. Also toying with angels and demons can be a tricky thing to balance. You probably don't want to step on any religions' toes but at the same time you have to create a conflict well constructed enough that it warrants sitting through the film. Angels and Demons and Dogma did this concept well. But Bousman is an ambitious guy so hopefully he can bring something good to the table. The trailer is definitely intense and already has me a little on edge so hopefully it can deliver.

Take a look-

And next up is Jack and Jill-
I like Adam Sandler, I really do. Even if the film is terrible there is a sort of charm about him that keeps me coming back for more. At the same time he makes some odd choices and Jack and Jill is certainly an odd choice. Then again, seeing a 44 year old man in drag talking to himself doesn't exactly swing on the realm of normality. I can already tell by the trailer alone that this film will probably be hated by critics and moviegoers alike but I would be a liar if I said I didn't laugh a little during the trailer. I mean I didn't have any big belly laughs or anything but scattered chuckles and one nice knockout joke at the end kept the trailer from being boring. On top of that I think  we all have a relative like Jill, a black sheep of sorts who breaks anything he/she touches and makes your life miserable but you still love them anyway, so at least people can probably relate to the movie. Also having Sandler regular Nick Swardson and Al Pacino in it definitely raised my eyebrows. I'll be surprised to see how far the Pacino character/Jill relationship turns out.

It certainly won't win Oscars but I think it might be...cute. I realize that to some I'm just fueling the fire that keeps films like this coming out instead of really great original ones but for every great film, their needs to be a Jack and Jill, a film that you can laugh at and then forget. Not everyone goes to a movie to think, and I don't thinking will be required for this one.

Judge for yourselves-

Well that's it for this weeks T3, see you all next week.


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