And with that, we start our next contest. It's pretty straight forward: "If Every Movie Was Made By Merchant Ivory Productions". If you don't know who Merchant Ivory is, here's a list of their movies but basically any fancy movie that features a mansion and at least two butlers. Maybe played by Anthony Hopkins. So all you need to do is come up with movies that would've been made by this prestigious movie company.
The contest ends on Monday November 21st at 11:00 PM EST. Email all submissions to invasionofthebmovies@gmail.com I have also decided to accept animated .GIF files along with static .JPG files, so if you know how to do .GIF, go for it.
And as promised, there are now prizes!! The prizes are provided by our friends at LOVEFiLM.com. If you're not familiar, and you live in the UK, you should check them out. They're a pretty big deal. Anyway, here's how this is going to work. After the 10th round, I'll post all the past 10 winners in one giant post and have you awesome LAMB members vote on who should win "Season 1", if you will. First and second place will win the following:
1st prize - $75 Amazon voucher (American only)
2nd prize - $50 Amazon voucher (American only)
(If a non-American wins 1st or 2nd place, we'll figure that out but seeing that MOST (Maybe Dylan or Rachel can back me up on this) of our members are from the US, we went with an American dollars)
Of course, if there's any questions, comments, or confusion (I have a tough time explaining stuff) feel free to leave a NON-ANONYMOUS comment or email me at invasionofthebmovies.com. And again, special thanks to LOVEFiLM.com for providing such awesome prizes.
Thanks and good luck!
PS: It should go without saying but just in case: myself, Dylan, and Rachel are not eligible for the prizes. We may still partake just for fun, but when it comes time to vote in the "Season 1 Roundup" post, I will leave our entries out in the event we win that round.
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