John Carpenter
A horror movie marathon is the most fitting activity for a lot of people when the Halloween holiday rolls around every year. However, there are not very many horror film directors who would closely associate with the annual holiday like John Carpenter. It was with his iconic film franchise, Halloween, which spawned an iconic character in the world of American horror cinema: Michael Myers. In the twenty-first edition of The LAMBs in the Director’s Chair series, the LAMB writers have submitted a collection of reviews and editorials covering the films directed by John Carpenter, which includes a couple of a reviews for Halloween (1978). Enjoy the reading adventure!
Editorials, Highlights & Misc. Files
Exiled from Contentment
To The Escape Hatch
REVIEWS for Halloween (1978)
Lord of the Films
Film Forager
Defiant Success
French Toast Sunday
The Most Beautiful Fraud in the World
REVIEWS for In the Mouth of Madness (1994)
Cinematic Catharsis
Spooky Bloggery
Forced Viewing
Radiator Heaven
REVIEWS for They Live (1988)
Wide Screen World
Radiator Heaven
REVIEWS for The Fog (1980)
Cinematic Catharsis
Forced Viewing
Radiator Heaven
REVIEWS for Escape from New York (1981)
Film Forager
Radiator Heaven
REVIEW for Dark Star (1974)
Film Forager
REVIEW for Vampires (1998)
Radiator Heaven
REVIEWS for The Thing (1982)
Defiant Success
Commentary Track
Forced Viewing (reviewed by Jori)
Forced Viewing (reviewed by Lackey)
Forced Viewing (reviewed by Drudgeon)
Silver Emulsion
To The Escape Hatch
REVIEWS for The Ward (2010)
Forced Viewing
Silver Emulsion
REVIEWS for Masters of Horror: Pro-Life
Forced Viewing
Silver Emulsion
REVIEWS for Masters of Horror: Cigarette Burns
Forced Viewing
Silver Emulsion
REVIEWS for Prince of Darkness (1987)
Forced Viewing
Radiator Heaven
REVIEW for Christine (1983)
Forced Viewing
REVIEW for Big Trouble in Little China (1986)
Radiator Heaven
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