Tuesday, September 27, 2011

LAMB Photoshops #5 Winner and #6

For whatever reason, this contest had the lowest number of votes. I dunno if interest is starting to wan or what. I hope that's not the case cause if you forgot, we are now offering some cool prizes like...stuff!! And things!! (Prizes will be revealed at a later date, but I SWEAR we do have prizes coming up.)

Anyway, the winner of If George Lucas Kept Messing With The Orignal Star Wars is:

John from The Droid You're Looking For

Congratulations! Now on for the next contest. Many people don't know that Sylvester Stallone was in a softcore porn before he made "Rocky". Many people don't know that both Renee Zellwegger (Yeah, I probably spelled that wrong) and Matthew Mc...yeah I'm not attempting to spell that, was in one of the sequels to "Texas Chainsaw Massacre". So what I want you to show us is:

Movies Famous People Were In That Nobody Knows About. Was Brad Pitt in The Goonies? Did Seth Rogen get his start in "Tootsie"? It's up for you to come up with something shocking. Email all submissions to invasionofthebmovies@gmail.com. You have until October 10th at 11:00 PM EST to send them in. Any questions or comments, email them or leave them as a comment.

Thanks and good luck!


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