Friday, May 23, 2008

Old School Music Friday...

Hey all...sorry to be late, but the Cali weather has a Negress twisted. Three days ago we had a record breaking heatwave, and yesterday there were tornadoes, mudslides, fires, and snow, hail and thunder storms all in the same day. I mean, what the eff?

But I seriously digress...this week's meme is Best Guitar/Bass Solos. To tell the truth, my favorite guitar solos are by Nirvana, but that would be another digression. This one is a bit cliche, but he is really one of the best guitarists that ever lived. Fans of his weren't surprised by all of the talent that came out in this film, but I believe it was singlehandedly responsible for making the great masses aware of him for the first time. Here he is performing the song that made him an international star at Coachella last month.

Update: Ok, Danielle let me know that the video has been taken down, as is almost anything that has to do with Prince, so here is Maroon 5 covering it (sorry) :-)

Old School Music Friday fam: Electronic Village Funky Finga Productions Mrs Grapevine Quick Cassandra Danielle Lisa C Chocl8t DP Kreative Talk MarvalusOne Regina LaShonda AJ Sharon Dee SJP sHaE-sHae songs in the key of life Hagar's Daughter There...Already Dallas South If I missed anybody, please let me know!


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