Friday, January 18, 2008

Today In B'Days

Okay....depending on what media outlet you trust, Eartha Kitt was/is 81 yesterday or today. Personally, I think the fact that she actually admitted that she is 81 is a feat in and of itself.

I went to see her singing act once, and went backstage to meet her with my male (gay) friend. I'm not a gusher when I meet celebrities, but she is one of the few I genuinely looked forward to meeting. Yours truly was really the "Invisible Woman" that night, as she proceeded to completely ignore me in every way, and just talked to/looked at my gay friend.

I was very disappointed in her and crushed, but my male friend said she was probably intimidated by my youth and attractiveness (his words). Whatever. That is no excuse for rudeness. Let that be a lesson to all of my female readers---don't get to be a bitter, hatin' old lady, cause guess what? There is always gonna be someone younger and/or prettier than you lurking around. And "prettier" is in the eye of the beholder. Focus on the positive and keep it movin.

Even tho most know her as a novelty cabaret act, or as 'Catwoman' from Batman, she was a large part of important early Black Cinema, especially in the 50's. I particularly remember her in a film with Sammy Davis Jr. where she played a fallen woman trying to redeem herself....I can't recall the name of it, but I'll do a bit of research and post about it in the near future.

She was always very looks, voice, and personality, but there was something about her. She had that pre-Kimora Lee Simmons "Fabulosity" thing going on, and she wasn't afraid to let the world know it, as is evident in this video.


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