Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Today In B'Days

Tyra Banks is a suspicious 34. I used to see her around in the days of "Higher Learning", and she wasn't some fresh-faced teenager, that's for sure...but that's all I'll say about that, cause she was always nice.

I tried to find a clip of "Higher Learning" on the net but couldn't....it could be because notorious meanie and human moleman John Singleton shuts any infringement down, or because the movie was so tired no one bothered to upload it. I haven't seen the movie since it was in theaters, and it made such an impression on me (not) that I didn't even remember that Ice Cube, Regina King, and Jennifer Connelly were in it.

Following is a clip some college students made reenacting one of the scenes in the film...lmao that they're acting all "urban" with cockney and African accents--pure comedy!


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