Congratulations, Rachel!
Everybody else, would you like a second chance? Sure! So here is your next theme:
This video has been around for awhile but I still love it.
Everybody else, would you like a second chance? Sure! So here is your next theme:
This video has been around for awhile but I still love it.
Since Spider-man is getting a reboot, along with Batman sometime in the future, it got me thinking...
What If Wes Anderson Did Remake/Reboot A Superhero Movie?
That is your theme! Send all submissions to invasionofthebmovies@gmail.com by Monday, August 15th at 11:00 PM EST. Any questions, comments, or suggestions on future themes can be emailed or left in the comment section.
Thanks and good luck!
What If Wes Anderson Did Remake/Reboot A Superhero Movie?
That is your theme! Send all submissions to invasionofthebmovies@gmail.com by Monday, August 15th at 11:00 PM EST. Any questions, comments, or suggestions on future themes can be emailed or left in the comment section.
Thanks and good luck!
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