Tuesday, August 2, 2011

LAMB Casting: Sabrina

Andrew here, with another film for you to recast. We went classic last month and re-casted All About Eve (brilliantly, I might add) and we're going classic again. From poor eve to Sabrina, i.e. Sabrina. I shall confess that Audrey Hepburn does not make me full of glee, although she seems lovely I don't like Sabrina much. But, I'm interested to see how you'd recast it.
So, recast the principal players:
Sabrina - the young daughter of the Larabee's chauffeur Thomas
Linus - the older, workaholic brother
David - the other Larabee, a Lothario-like playboy
Now, I know I could include the supporting players...but I really am interested in seeing what trio you'd come up with. So, send me your ideas at dangerous.liaison231[@]yahoo.com (remove parentheses). Okay, Go!


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