Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Will and Wayans.....

Okay....I wasn't gonna post today cause I am way into what's going on with my former husband Obama...I told folks 4 years ago that he was my fourth husband, but I guess that's not gonna happen now, haha.

Anyhoo--I picked up on a couple of semi-interesting Black Hollywood tidbits:

I know there are a lot of you into "G.I. Joe" and whatnot....Marlon Wayans of all people is going to play "Ripcord". He seems a bit "slim" for that part, but that is probably just the beginning of the problems with that casting choice.

By the way, he is one of only two Americans that are presently cast for the "Real American Hero" movie.

It looks like they are gearing up for an "I Am Legend 2" while the first one isn't even cold in it's grave. The author of the book, Richard Matheson, signed off on making a sequel. That dude is still alive? Damn. This is the fourth time dude has been paid by Hollywood for the same book. I bet he's dancing in his wheelchair. Or oxygen tank.

Of course, if the movie comes to light (which you know it will, it's a goldmine), will they bring Will back to life and say he escaped his horrific ending? Hmmmm.


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