Thursday, December 20, 2007

OK, So Now I Get It....

I always wonder why Samuel Jackson takes on so many movie roles...I mean it can't be the it ego? An unquenchable lust for world dominating fame? A flaming desire to be in "The Guinness Book of World Records" for most acting roles ever by a single human being?

The answer is "no" to all. Mr. Jackson simply wants to try out new hair-dos. From AOL:

When you think about it, I can't think of any other actor who has had more hair changes on the big screen than Samuel L. Jackson. From his jheri curled look in 'Pulp Fiction' to bald head in 'Shaft' to his receding hairline and white hair in 'Black Snake Moan', Jackson is certainly game for anything. In one of his upcoming films, Jackson adds another hair style to his resume as he squares off against Hayden Christensen in Doug Liman's "Jumper".

From IW: The Historical Passage Of Samuel Jackson's Hair:

Sam's Jheri Curl in "Pulp Fiction" .

Sam's baldy in one of those Star Wars movies.

Sam's old man grey receding do in "Black Snake Moan".

His "Langston Hughes" in something I never heard of.

His widow's peak dready thing in...hmmm....I don't know this one either. I think it was "The Man".

His "fried, dyed, and laid to the side" in "Eve's Bayou".

The dreads in "Caveman's Valentine".

His "serious" hair in "Changing Lanes".

You get the idea...there are many, many, more, but that would take up pages of this blog's space. Not to mention the 8,000 Kangol caps he has (I think he has 50% stock in the company). We get it Sam, but there are only so many hairstyles a black man can do. Unless you are willing to do a full fledged tranny with Yaki #5, 18 inch, just give it a rest for a while, kay?

Update: How can I forget? Regina and LaJane reminded me of his "young Frederick Douglas" (lol!) in "Unbreakable":

And his long red ponytail (with braided and beaded beard) in "Jackie Brown":


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