Tuesday, June 21, 2011

New Feature: LAMB Photoshops!

Hi! Remember me? My name is Jason and I use to run the LAMB Chops and the Horror Chops. I've stop doing those due to poor turnout and now I'm passing the savings onto you!!!

Well, more like presenting you with a new feature for the LAMB! This is going to be our little pilot episode to see if any of you guys take to this. Here's how it works:

I'll give you a theme, and using any photo editing software you want (Photoshop, Paint, whatever else is out there), you make a picture that relates to that theme. You email me your pictures and I'll post them here! The day I post them, I'll announce a new theme and we do it all over again! Sound like fun? I KNOW!

Each theme will last exactly two weeks, on a Tuesday. As of right now, the name for this feature is tentative and if this picks up and becomes popular, I'll probably think of a better name, along with an official email address to send the submissions to. Those are the rules now, your first task!

THEME: If Michael Bay Were To Remake Classic Movies! Show us how that would look by either sending in a fake movie poster, a image from the movie, whatever! Be creative! You have until 11:59PM EST July 4th to email me your submission. I know...4th of July but hey I'm giving you two weeks. I have faith in you!

Email the submissions to invasionofthebmovies@gmail.com and PLEASE include your name and website, please. Also, any questions can be left here as a comment or email them.

Now...get crackin'!


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