Friday, November 23, 2007

Movies, Movies, And More Movies....

Hope everyone had a wonderful day yesterday...I personally celebrate "Gratitude Day", out of affinity for my Native American brothers and sisters. Thank you to all who wished me well; back at you 100 fold :-)

I have folks in from Philly (whassup Thembi!), but I have been on a mini-marathon of films....I said last week that I would be watching some different types of films to mix it up, and since this blog is for my community and it's films, I'll make it brief:

Beowulf: Visually stunning, and was like reading those Greek mythology books you read when you were a kid....I loved it.

Video DVD of "Live Free and Die Harder": I love The Bruce, but put the leather jacket down, dude.

Lions For Lambs: I've always admired how Robert Redford makes movies for grown-ups. No matter what the critics say, it had a difference that is sorely missing in American film.

No Country For Old Men: The Cohen Brothers finally go back to their violent, dark comedy roots a la "Fargo" and I say welcome back....loved it.

And finally.....I rewatched "Talk To Me" on DVD. Damn. There were some parts where I was socializing in the lobby the first time..... I saw it in it's entirety this time. Ummm....let's address the scene where Don Cheadle and his girl Taraji P. Henson (Wilona on steroids) bust into the radio studio and demand a job? wtf???!!! I missed that scene the first time, and if I had seen it, I would have known that no matter happened afterward, this movie was doomed. Who goes to an office full of white folks and says ""F__k this s__t" , "F__k you!" and "What the f__k?" trying to get a job? Did this really happen? LMAO at justjudith talking about watching this movie with the captions on, and not only did they say "nigga" on film a hundred times over, the captions said "nigger" every time, and it drove her crazy. All in all, I really do think the dialogue coupled with Taraji P. Henson's cooning did this film in....better luck next time. Here is one of the reasons this movie didn't work:


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